Saturday, 20 November 2010

Hey from your blogging team

Hey there guys and welcome to the official UHSFX frershers blog! This is your number one source for all the informal info on projects, socials and just general interesting stuff. Penned by our very own Mr Ricketts, Chewie and The Techno Viking, we hope to keep you up on all the extra stuff happening around the course as well as highlight the things that might help you with projects. We’ll also provide photos of your projects and personal pieces (given your permission of course!) as well as research picked up from exhibitions and museums people visit and vitally a sample of some of the projects and people of note in the second and third years.

Of course this goes two ways, the more cool information you give to us the more cool stuff we can post here so please please please get in touch with any of us if you want something posted on the blog. It can be anything you want, need a question answered - we’ll post it here, want some making advice – we’ll post it here, wanna just show off something cool your making – again we’ll post it all up here! So please don’t be shy, get in touch with us at our emails or just come speak to us in person and we’ll be happy to help.

Our email addresses are as follows:

Mr Ricketts:
Dale 'The Techno Viking' -

And failing that come speak to us – if you don’t know our ugly mugs here they are:


Your Blogging Team.

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